Update: Overview of Online-Marketplaces across Europe

Marketplaces across Europe – eCommerce is much more than just Amazon and eBay

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Over 220 online marketplaces prove the popularity and wide variety within European eCommerce

39 Internet marketplaces in Germany alone, 24 in France or 14 in Italy – in total over 220 online marketplaces throughout the whole of Europe demonstrate the popularity of eCommerce among customers. “Even if many consumers are still not aware of this, eCommerce is so much more than just Amazon and eBay. In addition to these ‘top dogs’, many other marketplaces have established themselves, and are well able to meet the very specific wishes of the customer”, says Oliver Prothmann, President of the Federal Association of eCommerce. (BVOH).

Altogether, over 50 companies offer more than 220 marketplaces within Europe. This has now been researched by the BVOH and put together in a large map.

Online marketplaces in Europe – amazing variety

The basic idea of online marketplaces is their possibility to provide one platform for different merchants to offer their goods. In this respect, they do not differ much from the local weekly markets or shopping centres. But a marketplace is not always just a marketplace. “There are very different approaches, which is the attraction of many online marketplaces in Europe,” says Oliver Prothmann.

Most marketplaces differ significantly from their competitors. The mechanisms used by the providers are highly variable with for instance open and closed markets. In the former the etailer can register themselves, where as with the latter, the operator decides who may or may not be included. Marketplaces differ often also in the types of offer (buy now, auction, classified) and also the possibility of whether the transaction – the change of ownership – takes place directly within the marketplace or only upon delivery of the goods.

A third crucial difference is the mode of operation. Is the marketplace operated by a merchnat (Amazon, Otto, Pixmania, Zalando) or by a marketplace operator without its own sale intentions on this marketplace (Allyouneed, eBay, Rakuten)? In this way, online marketplaces provide just the right kind of offer for each customer and is thus becoming a service that is used more and more.

Marketplaces are also significant for sellers from neighbouring countries

The “Top-50 Online Marketplaces” listing, according to the traffic in relation to one other, shows the most significant foreign marketplaces. The Polish marketplace allegro.pl for instance ranks number 7 on the list.

At the eCommerce Day conference on 9 September 2015, merchants in Berlin can see for themselves the strengths of Eastern European marketplaces.

BVOH Marktplatz Karte marketplaces map EU
Overview on Marketplaces across Europe (download the whole map by clicking on the picture)
Pressrelease: 150708 Marketplaces across Europe – eCommerce is much more than just Amazon and eBay


Fashion Automotive Fashion Fashion Fashion Fashion
spartoo.at auto.de spartoo.ee spartoo.gr spartoo.lv spartoo.se
zalando.at autoscout24.de Watches videdressing.com
Home&Garden mobile.de ES chrono24.gr NL zalando.se
home24.at teilehaber.de Books Books Watches
Watches webauto.de iberlibro.com HU bol.com chrono24.se
chrono24.at Books Fashion Fashion Fashion
abebooks.de spartoo.es spartoo.hu laredoute.com/nl SI
BE Fashion trendsales.es Watches spartoo.nl Fashion
Books kleiderkreisel.de zalando.es chrono24.hu zalando.nl spartoo.si
bol.com outstore.de Watches Home&Garden
Fashion schuhe.de chrono24.es IE home24.nl SK
spartoo.be spartoo.de Fashion Watches Fashion
zalando.be trendsales.de FI spartoo.ie chrono24.nl spartoo.sk
Home&Garden videdressing.de Fashion Watches
home24.be zalando.de spartoo.fi IT PL chrono24.sk
Watches Home&Garden trendsales.fi Automotive Fashion
chrono24.be home24.de zalando.fi mobile.it spartoo.pl TR
gartenxxl.de Watches Books zalando.pl Watches
BG Local chrono24.fi abebooks.it Watches chrono24.tr
Fashion atalanda.de Fashion chrono24.pl
spartoo.bg Technology FR spartoo.it UK
euronics.de Automotive videdressing.it PT Books
CZ Watches mobile.fr zalando.it Fashion abebooks.co.uk
Fashion chrono24.de Books Home&Garden spartoo.pt Fashion
spartoo.cz Weapons abebooks.fr home24.it Watches spartoo.co.uk
Watches egun.de Fashion Technology chrono24.pt zalando.co.uk
chrono24.cz progun.de 3suisses.fr eprice.it Ticketing
laredoute.fr Watches RO stubhub.co.uk
DK spartoo.fr chrono24.it Fashion Watches
Automotive surfdome.fr spartoo.ro chrono24.com
bilbasen.dk zalando.fr LT
Fashion Home&Garden Fashion RU
spartoo.dk home24.fr spartoo.lt Watches
trendsales.dk Kids chrono24.ru
zalando.dk godsavethekids.com LU
Watches Technology Fashion
chrono24.dk topachat.com spartoo.lu
villatech.fr zalando.lu



alittleMarket DaWanda Groupon Otto Trendsale
alittlemarket.com dawanda.de groupon.be otto.de trendsales.de
alittlemarket.it dawanda.es groupon.ch otto.nl trendsales.dk
Allegro dawanda.fr groupon.de otto.ru trendsales.es
allegro.pl dawanda.it groupon.dk ottoversand.at trendsales.fi
aukro.cz dawanda.nl groupon.es Pixmania Vide Dressing
aukro.ua dawanda.pl groupon.fi pixmania.be videdressing.com
molotok.ru dawanda.co.uk groupon.fr pixmania.co.uk videdressing.de
teszvesz.hu eBay groupon.gr pixmania.de videdressing.it
vatera.hu 2dehands.be groupon.ir pixmania.dk Yatego
Amazon bilbasen.dk groupon.it pixmania.es gimahhot.de
abebooks.de dba.dk groupon.nl pixmania.fi yatego.de
abebooks.fr ebay.at groupon.no pixmania.fr Zalando
abebooks.it ebay.be groupon.pl pixmania.ie zalando.at
abebooks.co.uk ebay.ch groupon.po pixmania.it zalando.be
amazon.de ebay.de groupon.ro pixmania.nl zalando.de
amazon.es ebay.es groupon.se pixmania.pl zalando.dk
amazon.fr ebay.fi groupon.tr pixmania.pt zalando.es
amazon.it ebay.fr groupon.co.uk pixmania.se zalando.fi
amazon.co.uk ebay.ie Home24 Plus zalando.fr
iberlibro.com ebay.it home24.at gartenxxl.de zalando.it
Chrono24 ebay.nl home24.be plus.de zalando.lu
chrono24.at ebay.pl home24.de Rakuten zalando.nl
chrono24.be ebay.co.uk home24.fr priceminister.fr zalando.pl
chrono24.com ebay-kleinanzeigen.de home24.it rakuten.at zalando.se
chrono24.cz gittigidiyor.com home24.nl rakuten.de zalando.co.uk
chrono24.de kijiji.it Limundo rakuten.es
chrono24.dk marktplaats.nl limundo.com rakuten.co.uk
chrono24.es mobile.de kipundo.com Spartoo
chrono24.fi mobile.fr MiniInTheBox spartoo.at
chrono24.fr mobile.it miniinthebox.com/cz spartoo.be
chrono24.gr stubhub.co.uk miniinthebox.com/da spartoo.bg
chrono24.hr tradera.com miniinthebox.com/de spartoo.cz
chrono24.hu Fruugo miniinthebox.com/es spartoo.de
chrono24.it fruugo.at miniinthebox.com/fr spartoo.dk
chrono24.lu fruugo.be miniinthebox.com/gr spartoo.ee
chrono24.nl fruugo.de miniinthebox.com/hu spartoo.es
chrono24.pl fruugo.dk miniinthebox.com/it spartoo.fi
chrono24.pt fruugo.es miniinthebox.com/nl spartoo.fr
chrono24.ru fruugo.fi miniinthebox.com/pl spartoo.gr
chrono24.se fruugo.fr miniinthebox.com/pt spartoo.hu
chrono24.sk fruugo.ie miniinthebox.com/ro spartoo.ie
chrono24.tr fruugo.it miniinthebox.com/ru spartoo.it
fruugo.lu miniinthebox.com/sv spartoo.lt
fruugo.nl miniinthebox.com/tr spartoo.lu
fruugo.pl spartoo.lv
fruugo.pt spartoo.nl
fruugo.ru spartoo.pl
fruugo.se spartoo.pt
fruugo.co.uk spartoo.ro


TOP 50

(in relevance of traffic data by alexa.com and SimilarWeb on July, 4th 2015)

Rang URL Country Category Operator
1 amazon.de DE all Merchant
2 amazon.co.uk UK all Merchant
3 ebay.de DE all neutral
4 ebay.co.uk UK all neutral
5 amazon.fr FR all Merchant
6 amazon.it IT all Merchant
7 allegro.pl PL all neutral
8 amazon.es ES all Merchant
9 ebay.it IT all neutral
10 mobile.de DE Automotive neutral
11 ebay.fr FR all neutral
12 cdiscount.com FR all Merchant
13 marktplaats.nl NL all neutral
14 gittigidiyor.com TR all neutral
15 tesco.com UK all Merchant
16 ebay.es ES all neutral
17 otto.de DE all Merchant
18 priceminister.com FR all neutral
19 zalando.de DE Fashion Merchant
20 fnac.com FR all neutral
21 kijiji.it IT all neutral
22 laredoute.fr FR Fashion neutral
23 rueducommerce.fr FR all neutral
24 groupon.it IT all Merchant
25 ricardo.ch CH all neutral
26 aukro.cz CZ all neutral
27 groupon.co.uk UK all Merchant
28 ebay.ie IE all neutral
29 ebay.at AT all neutral
30 zalando.it IT Fashion Merchant
31 aukro.ua UA all neutral
32 groupon.de DE all Merchant
33 tradera.com SE all neutral
34 groupon.fr FR all Merchant
35 dba.dk DK all neutral
36 ebay.be BE all neutral
37 3suisses.fr FR Fashion neutral
38 molotok.ru RU all neutral
39 zalando.fr FR Fashion Merchant
40 eprice.it IT Technology Merchant
41 vatera.hu HU all neutral
42 zalando.pl PL Fashion Merchant
43 kleiderkreisel.de DE Fashion neutral
44 2dehands.be BE all neutral
45 rakuten.de DE all neutral
46 home24.de DE Home&Garden Merchant
47 ebay.pl PL all neutral
48 zalando.es ES Fashion Merchant
49 groupon.pl PL all Merchant
50 ebay.nl NL all neutral

A list of Top-150 Online-Marketplaces can be asked at gs@bvoh.de. Please share why you would like to get it.

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